About Karolina Ferenc

Australian Study Center Consultant & Company Director for over 20 years.

500 visa


Pay less ! Scholarships! 10 December, 2020 Although there is a fierce competition and the number of scholarships is often limited, it is worth applying for all the available funding. You can apply not only for the academic performance scholarships, but also those related to study in specific fields and industries and in selected regions of Australia. We will be happy to assist you with your applications for the government and private scholarships available to international students. In [...]

500 visa2020-12-10T04:12:32+00:00

Skilled migrants


The regional incentives for skilled migrants 8 December, 2020 The Australian Government’s immigration programs is designed to attract migrants to regional areas by offering certain incentives for skilled migrants who choose their place of residence being in regional Australia. Thus, it is worth to take into consideration the opportunities that the regional Australia may offer to the individual’s visa pathway. Australia was divided into three categories and two out of three of all locati [...]

Skilled migrants2020-12-09T04:54:35+00:00

485 visa


First graduates will be eligible for 485 visa extension in 2021 8 December, 2020 The 485 post-study visa extension (second 485 visa) was designed for international students to encourage them to study at regional campus and live in regional area. The incentives are the part of the immigration program aimed at boosting diversity and prosperity in regional Australia. International students who graduate from a regional campus and then live in regional Australia are eligible for an additiona [...]

485 visa2020-12-08T23:34:40+00:00

IELTS Preparation Intensive Skills Class $10 per hr


TAFE Queensland will be offering virtual IELTS Preparation Intensive Skills Classes, for students that would like to master their writing skill in preparation for taking the IELTS exam. About our classes: Two classes per week, over two weeks, each class is one hour in duration (total four hours). Classes will be focussed on the writing skill. Classes are suitable for students who are intermediate level and above. Cost: $40 fee per student ($10 per hour). Learning Platform: ZOOM for delivery, stu [...]

IELTS Preparation Intensive Skills Class $10 per hr2020-08-03T01:23:20+00:00



Eleven years ago, when Karolina Ferenc was sorting through card offers, she called Qantas to see how many points she had and whether she could perhaps, “You know, buy a toothbrush”. Told she had enough points to fly return to Europe, “This is the moment I fell in love with Qantas Points, because they have real value.” To earn points, Ferenc has an Qantas Points-earning Business Rewards card and shops at the Qantas Shopping Rewards Store and preferred suppliers. She and husband and business partn [...]




Piotr Ferenc Published on 22/03/18 This week, Piotr Ferenc of Pacific Center Planet of Adventures writes about changes to immigration law in Australia, the impact on international students and their options. Migrating to Australia has been a hot topic in the last few years… My name is Piotr Ferenc and I am Australian Agent director of Pacific Center Planet of Adventures Pty Ltd which has been registered in Australia since 2003. Since then, we have been helping people to study, work and [...]

STUDY TRAVEL MAGAZINE2020-06-16T02:47:04+00:00

Australia to świetny kraj


Australia to nie jest kraj, do którego można przyjechać bez pieniędzy i pomysłu, licząc, że jakoś to będzie – mówi Piotr Ferenc, założyciel i właściciel firmy Pacific Center. ROZMAWIAŁ Wojciech Mońko Pana firma od lat pomaga Polakom w formalnościach związanych z pracą, nauką i pobytem w Australii. Dlaczego właśnie Australia? Bo to – mówiąc najkrócej – świetny kraj do życia. Ludzi przyciągają tu nie tylko stabilna gospodarka, ale też otwartość społeczeństwa, bezpieczeństwo i tolerancja. Droga [...]

Australia to świetny kraj2020-06-16T02:50:07+00:00

Jak wyemigrować na Antypody?


Jak wyemigrować na Antypody? Data publikacji: 20.08.2017, 18:09 Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.02.2018, 00:04 JACEK PAWLICKI Jeśli jesteś młody, ale nie masz grosza przy duszy, wykształcenia bądź doświadczenia w którymś z poszukiwanych zawodów, to Australia nie jest już tobą zainteresowana – mówi Piotr Ferenc, Polak z australijskim paszportem, który prowadzi agencję imigracyjną w Queensland. Newsweek: W 25-milionowej Australii mieszka obecnie ponad 200 tys. Polaków, z czego ponad 50 tys. z nich ur [...]

Jak wyemigrować na Antypody?2020-06-16T02:41:13+00:00



No PIC4020? Case Officer refuses visa due to ‘lack of skills’! Just  received decision in the case of  person who was acused of providing a false bachelor degree from a University in India on the grounds of “overseas referral “. We provided further letters from the University supporting my client’s claim but the officer refused the application due to a lack of skills  that had been evidenced and compared to AQF standard with AEI database. see below : From: Piotr [...]


Help for students in Australia


Temporary visa holders, including students who need financial support in connection with the coronavirus (COVID-19), can count on financial assistance from funds transferred by the Australian Government to the Australian Red Cross. Information on the types of co-financing available in individual states of Australia and how to apply are available at https://www.redcross.org.au/covidrelief Funding provided by the Australian Government to Australian Red Cross to support highly vulnerable people as [...]

Help for students in Australia2020-05-22T02:26:47+00:00


New Courses

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