Diploma of Business
Axial Training Campus and Location
Brisbane Campus: Level 1, 44 Ferry Street, Kangaroo Point 4169.
Townsville Office and Campus: 382 Sturt Street, Townsville, 4810
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service
BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace
BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBMKG506 Plan market research
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBRSK501 Manage risk
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Tuition fees
Tuition fee: AU$8,590
Prices are subject to change and the final school offer will be presented after submitting the application.
School fees and tuition https://australianstudycenter.com.au/schools-in-australia-australian-study-center-study-in-australia/school-fees-and-tuition/
Scholarships are available to students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including academic achievement, financial need, educational disadvantage, leadership and community service, artistic or sporting achievements, and being from a rural or remote area. Contact us to fnd out more
Course Duration
12 months of full time study
For international students who fall into one of the following categories, evidence of the
minimum English language level is not required:
1. an applicant who is a citizen of, and who holds a valid passport issued by:
a. the United Kingdom;
b. the United States of America;
c. Canada;
d. New Zealand; or
e. the Republic of Ireland; or
2. an applicant who is enrolled in a principal course of study that is:
a. registered to be delivered in a language other than English;
b. a registered ELICOS course, as defined in regulation 1.03 of the Regulations;
c. a registered school course; or
d. a registered post-graduate research course
For all other students, the required minimum English language level for all Axial
International College courses is one of the following:
Item Test name Acronym/ also
known as
Minimum test score
1 International English
Language Testing
IELTS Test (a) Overall band score 5.5; or
(b) Overall band score 5 if packaged with at
least 10 weeks’ ELICOS; or
(c) Overall band score of 4.5 if packaged
with at least 20 weeks’ ELICOS.
2 Test of English as a
Foreign Language
internet-based test
TOEFL iBT (a) 46; or
(b) 35, if packaged with at least 10 weeks’
(c) 32, if packaged with at least 20 weeks’
3 Cambridge English:
Advanced (CAE)
Certificate in
Advanced English
(a) 162; or
(b) 154, if packaged with at least 10 weeks’
(c) 147, if packaged with at least 20 weeks’
4 Pearson Test of
English Academic
PTE (a) 42; or
(b) 36, if packaged with at least 10 weeks’
(c) 30, if packaged with at least 20 weeks’
5 Occupational
English Test
OET a score of at least B for each test component
of the OET.
Year 10 – (Certificate III level course)
Year 12 – (Certificate IV level course)
Diploma de Ensino Medio (Year 10 equivalent)
Diploma de Ensino Medio
Diploma de Técnico de Nivel Medio
IB Diploma
Educacion Media (Year 10 or Year 11 equivalent)
Licencia de Education Media (Certificate of Secondary Education Certificate)
Licencia de Education Media Tecnico-Professional (Certificate of Technical -Vocational Secondary Education)
IB Diploma
Successful completion of Senior Grade 2 (which is equivalent to Australian Year 11) with reasonable results of more than 60% pass in academic subjects such as Maths, English, Science.
3 years Senior Middle School (Academic, Technical or Vocational) with reasonable results of more than 60% pass in academic subjects such as Maths, English, Science
IB Diploma
Bachillerato Upper Secondary Schooling (Year 11 equivalent)
Bachillerato / Diploma de Bachiller
IB Diploma
Successful completion of one year study towards the Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Lukion Paastotodistus) with 5 as the minimum pass mark
Senior Secondary School Certyificate (Lukion Paastotodistus)
Initial Vocation qualification (Ammatillinen perustutkinto)
Completion of Year 10/2de Senior Secondary School / Lycees General et Technologique
Completion of Year 10 Vocational Senior Secondary School / Lycees Professionnel
Baccalaureat General – General Baccalaureate
Baccalaureat Technologique – Technological Baccalaureate
Baccalaureat Professionnel – Vocational Baccalaureate
IB Diploma
Realshule or Hauptschule
Completion of 4 years of Gymnasium
Allgemeinen Hochschulreife /Abitur
IB Diploma
Hong Kong
HKDSE Senior High School Year 1
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
IB Diploma
Year 10 – All India Secondary School Certificate, Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, Secondary School Certificate
Senior School Certificate – awarded by the Central Board of Secondary Education – 4 Academic: English must be at 70% or above other 3 Subjects each 65% or above
Junior Secondary School Certificate of Completion plus 1 year Senior Secondary School
Certificate of Completion of Senior Secondary Education (Ijazah SMA or Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar: Sekolah Menengah Atas – STTB: SMA) issued by the school
IB Diploma
2nd year of Senior Secondary School
Diploma liceale – Marked on a scale of 0-100 (maximum), with 60 the minimum pass mark
Before 2010- Diploma di superamento dell’esame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore (Upper secondary school leaving certificate)
IB Diploma
1 year Upper Secondary
Lower Secondary (Chugakko Sotsugyo Sho) plus 1 year further study
Certificate Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation
IB Diploma
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysian SPM (4 subject passes)
Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) (4 subject passes)
IB Diploma
School Leaving Certificate (SLC)
School Leaving Certificate + Higher Secondary Certificate – Grade average of 65 and above for grade 11 and 12 results (combined for final results)
School Leaving Certificate + Proficiency Certificate – Grade average of 65 and above for grade 11 and 12 results (combined for final results)
Vitnemål fra grunnskolen (Certificate from Basic School) plus 1 year at upper secondary school
Vitnemal fra den videregaende skolen (Certificate from upper secondary school)
Papua New Guinea
School Certificate (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) (4 C grades)
High School Certificate (4 C grades)
IB Diploma
Certificate of Graduation / High School Diploma
High School Diploma plus 1 years Post-Secondary School or 2 years any Bachelor Degree
IB Diploma
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCEO-level) (minimum 4 D grades)
Singapore/Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Certificate with grade ‘E’ or higher in 2 Advanced Level subjects and 3 Ordinary Level subjects.
Completion of a Technician Diploma/Certificate from a Polytechnic
IB Diploma
South Korea
1year Senior High School
Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General Senior High School Certificate)
IB Diploma
Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (Lower Secondary CompulsoryEducation Certificate)
TÃtulo de Bachiller/Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)
IB Diploma
Slutbetyg från Grundskola (Leaving Certificate) plus 1 year UpperSecondary
Swedish Secondary School Certificate (Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola)
IB Diploma
Senior High School (1st or 2nd Year)
Senior High School Diploma or Senior Vocational School Diploma
IB Diploma
Upper Secondary School (Matayom 5/ Matayom 4)
Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education (Matayom 6 or MS 6)
IB Diploma
Successful completion of Year 11 with a 6.0 GPA
Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (Bang Tot nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong) – with a 7.0 GPA
IB Diploma